Who is an insurance underwriter?

Whether you are new or vastly experienced in the insurance world as a customer, the question of how do companies come up with pricing for accepted insurable risk should have crossed your mind. Do they just whip out prices from thin air? What are the factors that determine such prices? Well, this is why underwriters exist. Who is an insurance underwriter? It is the job of insurance underwriters to analyze the risk involved in insuring people and assets. Read on to find out all you need to know about insurance underwriters.

What is the role of an insurance underwriter?

Despite its simple appearance from the customer’s end, drawing up a policy contract is actually very complex. It is only simpler because of the existence of already gathered data and specialized software. The combination of those two makes it easier for underwriters to determine the likelihood and magnitude of a risk.

An underwriter is a professional in charge of carrying out investigation, evaluation, and analysis of risks involved in insurance. Their work is to basically draw up a well-rounded policy contract for every insurance. The research and conclusion of an underwriter are also what determines your premium. They assume the risk of a future event and charge you premiums in that regard. Your premium is a bond that assures you a reimbursement in event of damage. Ultimately, an insurance underwriter determines whether it would be profitable for their insurance company to provide insurance for a certain asset or not.

What is insurance underwriting process?

This is the process the underwriter goes through to establish a policy. In insurance underwriting process, they take important factors into consideration to arrive at a conclusion. For example, an individual with HIV/ AIDS, purchasing life insurance from a company, is sure to receive a payout. It is only a matter of when. Now, the place of the underwriter is to come in and properly access the situation. This assessment involves an analysis of data from past patients with such illness, and facts like estimated time to live, chances of dying earlier, etc. are considered.

On conclusion of investigation, data analysis, recommendation from actuaries, the underwriter makes a prediction. This prediction determines the price of the premium that such a customer would pay. Most times, the higher the risk, the higher the premium.

How insurance underwriting works

Insurance underwriters are trained professionals that understand the ups and downs of risks and how to prevent them. Their specialty is in risk assessment, which is a skill they use to determine whether to insure. They also determine the price at which they would insure such assets.  Most times, however, automated computer programs handle the process of analysis . The place of the underwriter is to simply seek and input data into the system, and it does the rest.


Insurance underwriting is a very important part in the industry, as they essentially make the decisions. Underwriters have the final say on whether the risk is worth it or not. They also determine the premium amount that you are to pay for specific coverage.

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