Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme- Importance, Objectives and Coverage

Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme (LSHS) is a State government health initiative. It aims to provide affordable health coverage for Lagos State residents.

The state House of Assembly created the Lagos State Health Scheme Bill. It was signed into law in May 2015. This insurance scheme has protected Lagos residents from massive medical bills.

Importance of Health Insurance in Promoting Access to Quality Healthcare

Health insurance plays a crucial role in promoting access to quality healthcare. Here are some of the key reasons why health insurance is important:

  1. Financial Protection: Health insurance provides financial protection against high medical expenses. Having health insurance coverage can help individuals and families mitigate the financial burden of unexpected healthcare costs, including hospitalization, surgeries, medication, and other medical treatments.
  2. Access to Healthcare Services: Health insurance increases access to healthcare services by providing coverage for preventive care, screenings, vaccinations, and regular check-ups. It encourages individuals to seek timely medical attention, promoting early detection and treatment of diseases.
  3. Comprehensive Coverage: Health insurance typically offers coverage for a wide range of medical services, including hospitalization, doctor visits, diagnostic tests, medications, and specialized treatments. This ensures that individuals have access to a comprehensive range of healthcare services when needed.
  4. Network Benefits: Health insurance plans often have a network of healthcare providers, including doctors, hospitals, clinics, and specialists. Being part of a network can provide access to discounted rates, preferred providers, and streamlined billing processes, ensuring convenient and cost-effective healthcare.
  5. Health and Wellness Programs: Many health insurance plans offer wellness programs and resources to promote preventive care, encourage healthy behaviors, and support overall well-being. These programs may include access to fitness centers, health coaching, counseling services, and educational materials.

Objectives And Goals of the Health Insurance Scheme

The objectives and goals of a health insurance scheme include:

  1. Universal Coverage: The goal of many health insurance schemes is to ensure that all individuals have access to affordable health insurance, irrespective of their income, employment status, or health condition. Universal coverage aims to eliminate disparities in access to healthcare services.
  2. Financial Risk Protection: Health insurance aims to protect individuals and families from catastrophic healthcare expenses that could lead to financial hardship or impoverishment. By spreading the risk among a larger pool of insured individuals, health insurance provides financial protection against high medical costs.
  3. Health Promotion and Prevention: Health insurance schemes often focus on promoting preventive care and delivering health promotion initiatives. This includes encouraging individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles, providing access to preventive screenings and vaccinations, and supporting early detection and intervention.
  4. Improving Quality of Care: Health insurance aims to ensure that individuals receive quality healthcare services. This may involve establishing quality standards, monitoring and assessing healthcare providers, and promoting transparency and accountability in healthcare delivery.
  5. Cost Containment: Health insurance schemes strive to control healthcare costs and ensure the sustainability and affordability of the system. This may involve negotiating rates with healthcare providers, implementing cost-sharing measures, and encouraging cost-effective practices.


Overall, the importance of health insurance lies in its ability to provide individuals with financial protection, promote access to healthcare services, and support overall health and well-being. 

The objectives and goals of health insurance schemes are diverse but generally aim to ensure universal coverage, financial risk protection, quality care, preventive services, and cost containment.

Eligibility Criteria for Enrollment

The eligibility criteria for enrollment into the Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme (LSHS) are:

  • You must be a resident of Lagos state to be eligible to enroll.
  • Individuals must reside and have a physical address in Lagos. Employees, families, individuals, and informal sector workers.

You can discover more about your eligibility by visiting the LSHS official website

Coverage And Services Provided Under The Scheme

The coverage and services provided by the Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme (LSHS) are:

  1. Coverage: They include, primary, secondary, and some tertiary care.
  2. Services: It includes consultations, lab tests, diagnostics, maternity care, and hospital admissions. A higher plan may include surgeries and some chronic disease management.

Contributions And Premium Payment Structure

The contributions and premium payment structure of the Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme (LSHS) are:

  • Contributions: It can come in different categories like formal sector employees, informal sector workers, and vulnerable groups.
  • The Premium Payment Structure: It is tiered, with different rates based on your income level or employment status.
  • The Payment Methods: Payment methods are through payroll deductions, direct payments, or subsidies from the Lagos state government.

Benefits of LSHIS to Residents

The benefits of LSHIS to the residents are:

  • Serves as an accessible health care system to the residents
  • Protects residents from financial distress resulting from massive medical bills.
  • It is affordable.
  • Formal workers gets to make payment through payroll deductions which is easy and less stressful
  • It provides a structured health insurance system that takes care of all healthcare needs for residents.
  • Serves as quality health coverage for residents.


The Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme (LSHS) provides accessible and affordable health care coverage to all residents.

As a resident, you are obliged to be part of this insurance scheme. Even if you believe you got your health under control, we recommend this insurance for unforeseen circumstances as it will save you money in the long run.

The services, contributions, and premium payment structure are different based on the specific plan or package chosen within the Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme. You should contact the scheme directly or visit their website to read more information regarding this insurance scheme.

Categories: Health Insurance